In this series, we sit down with our portfolio and program founders to get to know them better. What are they building? What motivates them? What do they love about New York City? This week, we're chatting with Company Ventures portfolio company Elaborate CEO Nicole Bocskocsky.

1. Describe what you’re building in 10 words or fewer.

Elaborate’s software tells you what your health data means and what to do next.

2. Let’s assume your company achieves your current, fullest ambitions for it — what about your industry and the world do you hope changes as a result?

We envision a future where health data powers your relationship with your doctor and the medical system. Your most recent results, as well as your personal health history, would prompt you to engage in different ways to support your health - largely programmatically, but always under the direction of your doctor.  

In this future, doctors are able to practice their craft without the heavy administrative burden of tactical work, while patients are efficiently routed to the most relevant care based on their personal health history. This not only adds efficiency and delight to both patient and provider simultaneously, but also moves the needle on the cost of unnecessary healthcare utilization.

3. What’s your bagel order?

Cinnamon bagel with light walnut raisin cream cheese.

4. What do you love about New York City, and what makes it a good place to launch a business?  

There is an undeniable energy in the streets of the city. You look up at these massive skyscrapers, beautiful parks and city infrastructure and it forces you to reflect on how many hands went into making this place the place that it is. You are surrounded by people operating in the margins, creating, innovating, and constantly pushing outside of their comfort zone. It’s an invaluable environment for questioning assumptions, a key ingredient in company building.

5. What’s your favorite ‘secret’ about New York?

Taking the ferry in the morning (if your commute allows) is a guilty pleasure. The gently rocking of the waves on the 10-15 minute ride from Brooklyn over to Manhattan is well worth the slightly longer commute. Highly recommend!

Another tip for new dog parents: go to Prospect Park on the weekends in the morning from 6-9AM - it’s incredible! If you’re not yet an official parent and like to sleep in, check out Le Doggie Cool in Brooklyn for puppy play hour - it’s the best!

6. What’s your favorite movie or TV show that takes place in New York City?

Law & Order - They often would shoot in the alleys of SoHo, so I’ve actually seen this filmed in the city during my days at Oscar!

7. What motto do you live by?

Onwards and upwards

8. What’s one app on your homescreen that you can’t live without?

I love the New York Times Games app. Especially Spelling Bee. My husband and I play this game together during breakfast or dinner and it’s my favorite tradition of our day.