In this series, we sit down with our portfolio and program founders to get to know them better. What are they building? What motivates them? What do they love about New York City? This week, we're chatting with Craniometrix CEO Nikhil Patel, a founder in our 2022 Grand Central Tech residency cohort.

1. Describe what you’re building in 10 words or fewer.

Craniometrix is building the one-stop-shop care platform for Alzheimer’s disease.

2. Let’s assume your company achieves your current, fullest ambitions for it — what about your industry and the world do you hope changes as a result?

Quality medical care doesn’t have to come exclusively from doctors and hospitals – patient’s families want to and can significantly impact the lives of their loved ones. They just need the tools to do it. Alzheimer’s is one of the hardest diseases to take care of someone with – so we’re proving our model here, leveraging generative AI to make family-driven care at home orders of magnitude cheaper and better. When we’re done, we want to have changed what high quality care really means.

3. What’s your bagel order?

Zabar’s everything bagel with scallion cream cheese!

4. What do you love about New York City, and what makes it a good place to launch a business?

The people are incredibly unique! Every tech worker in SF is cut from the same cloth. In NYC, you find people with an incredibly diverse set of backgrounds, experiences, and hobbies. And if you want to create a business that serves lots of different types of people, it needs to be built by the same.

5. What’s your favorite movie or TV show that takes place in New York City?

How I Met Your Mother

6. What motto do you live by?

If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong

7. What piece of technology do you wish you’d invented?

The automatic watch!

8. What’s one app on your homescreen that you can’t live without?

NY Times Crossword