In this series, we sit down with our portfolio and program founders to get to know them better. What are they building? What motivates them? What do they love about New York City? This week, we're chatting with Elion CEO Bobby Guelich, a founder in our Grand Central Tech residency fall 2022 cohort.

1. Describe what you’re building in 10 words or fewer.

A marketplace to help healthcare companies discover and select technology.

2. Let’s assume your company achieves your current, fullest ambitions for it — what about your industry and the world do you hope changes as a result?

It’s FAR EASIER to build amazing healthcare companies, driving better, more equitable, and more efficient care.

3. What’s your bagel order?

Everything bagel, scallion cream cheese, lox, tomato, capers and onion (preferably from Russ and Daughters)

4. What do you love about New York City, and what makes it a good place to launch a business?

What I love: The energy. I’ve lived a bunch of different places and there’s nothing like it. You come back to New York and feel it as soon as you get here.

Why build here: There’s no better place to build a digital health company. The combination of amazing talent, active community, and extensive investor ecosystem is unmatched.

5. What’s your favorite ‘secret’ about New York?

Oh man this is a tough one. I personally love the little outdoor spaces behind certain bars, cafes, and restaurants that you randomly stumble upon every now and then. I used to live near Rapha in SoHo and they have an awesome little back patio that is really quiet and lovely to spend time at when the weather is nice.

6. What do you think is the single biggest innovation we'll see within our lifetimes?

I’m so underqualified to answer this. My hope is that it’s healthcare related – perhaps the elimination of cancer.

7. What’s your favorite movie or TV show that takes place in New York City?

I’m a 90s kid so gotta say Seinfeld.

8. What motto do you live by?

My life philosophy essentially boils down to “enjoy the experience and help others.” Whenever I feel like I’m losing perspective on what matters, I try to come back to this.

9. What piece of technology do you wish you’d invented?

The airplane. Being the person who enabled humanity to fly would be pretty amazing. Plus I bet it was a fun (and probably terrifying) invention process.

10. What’s one app on your homescreen that you can’t live without?

The meditation app Waking Up. It plays a key role in my daily routine.